Using Dumbbells at Home are the first thing many people think of when they want to build muscles in target areas. They can be intimidating, however, if you have never used them. There are some easy to use dumbbells you can use at home. Adjustable versions allow you increase the difficulty of your workout as you become stronger. Dumbbells are appropriate for all levels of strength training. They are perfect for routine upper body workouts. Take the time to pick out the right equipment for your routine and home.

Choosing Proper Equipment

Choosing dumbbells may depend on your budget, space in the home, or strength goals. If you have never done weights, or want to add weight to your aerobic workout, you can start with some light hand weights. Proper dumbbells are the next step, however. You cannot improve with standard hand weights or dumbbells that have a fixed weight. This can be a costly habit if you need to buy new weights each time you gain strength.

Dumbbells in a gym have different weights that are added or removed to create a custom piece. One-piece dumbbells are labeled with a specific weight are also called hand weights. You can usually purchase a set or add individual weights as your workouts become more detailed.

Adjustable weights are incredibly convenient and save space. Adjustable dumbbells can give you many weight options without sacrificing an entire wall of your home gym. Some of the best adjustable dumbbells sit in a receptacle. There is a dial on the end of the dumbbell that you use to choose the weight for your workout. You can then lift the dumbbell out of the receptacle with only the weights you need attached. The others remain in the case. It is easier to avoid injury with these since the weighted ends are never loose and there is no need to carry them around separately.

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Helpful Accessories

When you are ready to work out with weights you can simply start on your floor or yoga mat. As you increase the weight and work different muscle groups, you can benefit from different accessories to lift on and keep you organized.

  • Bench– A bench is a great solid surface shaped specifically for lifting weights. You can lean back on a weight bench to work on your chest muscles or sit up to do your arms and back. You can even add bars to set down weights between repetitions.
  • Exercise Ball– There a variety of exercises that combine an exercise ball and weights. Ask your personal trainer for ideas or check out a video online. Most of these moves involve sitting on the ball and using hand weights. Advanced moves include leaning back on the ball. It is best to work with a trainer or take a class before you try advanced ball and weight routines at home.
  • Gloves and Chalk– It can be difficult to grip your weights when you sweat during your workout. Some hand weights have a coating to make them safer. Traditional dumbbells, however, consists of exposed metal. One of the biggest dangers of working with weights is the possibility of dropping them. This can cause severe injuries. Weight-lifting gloves and chalk both provide a better grip.
  • Rack– Sometimes you just need something to help keep your home gym organized. When you have a nice place to work out, you can focus better. A good gym rack can hold many different things, not just your weights. A different type of rack is the kind that goes over your workout bench. These come in a variety of shape and sizes.

Targeting Certain Muscles

Weights are helpful for changing the shape of your body. It is easy to target certain areas of your body when using dumbbells at home. You can do some research are work with a trainer to better understand how each exercise defines your muscles. You can target any muscle group with a good dumbbell set. Many people focus on different muscle groups throughout the week. You might have a specific day for working on legs or arms, for example.

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You can even work your abdominal area or back. Light dumbbells work well with step routines and other aerobic workouts, as well. For your home gym, it is best to find a set that offers several different options. Unless you are planning to purchase large amounts of add-on weights or heavy equipment, an adjustable set and a few hand weights should work well. Many people like a few dumbbells at home for light training or days when they can’t get to the gym.

Things to Consider

Think about your goals and routine before you purchase dumbbells. Everyone has different preferences. You may have limited space, safety concerns, or need a large variety. There are a few key differences to consider.

  • Variety– If you use dumbbells to work on different parts of your body, you need a variety of weights. You may require heavier ones for your legs, for example.
  • Shape –Dumbbells come in different shapes. The old iron ones have a hexagon on each end to keep them from rolling away. Dumbbells with removable weights are round. Adjustable weights have flat sides and one open side. This ensures they fit into the case and work with the adjustment dial.
  • Storage– If you have limited space, it doesn’t make sense to get a dumbbell set that needs large storage racks. Adjustable sets and hand weights can store efficiently.
  • Growth-If you plan on working out with dumbbells several times a week, you can get strong fast. Make sure you get a set that can grow with you. When you are ready for something heavier, you won’t have to run out and buy something new.
  • Usage– Your dumbbells need to match your workout routine. You may need lighter weights to enhance your cardio workout, or larger weights meant specifically for strength training.

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Dumbbells help you stick to your strength routine, even if you can’t make it to the gym. You do not need a huge weight station to get good results. The right exercises with appropriate dumbbells are all you need. Shop carefully and you are sure to find the perfect set of dumbbells for your home gym.