My wife and I recently took our 1 year old son to Italy for a family wedding. We literally got on a plane just 2 days after we had his first birthday party. It was hard, stressful but also a lot of fun. Here are some things that we learned while planning and experiencing this trip and I hope that some of these tips for traveling with a 1 year old will help you as you get ready to fly off to somewhere.

Schedule Flights For Bedtime

This may seem like a no brainer but a lot of people don’t think about it. We made our flight leave JFK at 730pm, right when he’s ready to pass out. We sat on the tarmac for an hour so it didn’t go exactly as planned but for a 7+ hour flight we made it. He slept (and we slept) almost the entire way and we landed at around 10am local time so he was not too far off from his schedule. Also, bring your infant carrier onto the plane and strap it into the seat as if you where in your car. This gave our son a place to sleep that he was familiar with. Double check with the airline but I am pretty sure they can’t say no to you bringing the infant carrier on the plane.

Keep Them Awake For The Return Flight

The return flight is a whole different story. You have to keep them awake because even if you take off at 2pm local time, you’re gonna land at like 4pm local time back home. They will be exhausted but should quickly adjust after you finally let them sleep at home. Pack toys and snacks to keep them occupied otherwise it will be hell.

Book Them Their Own Seat

Now for a short 3 hour flight a lap seat is just fine but when traveling with a 1 year old abroad they need their own seat. Remember you can bring your infant carrier on the plane. Strap it in and them them use that to sleep in. The person in front of the carrier won’t be able to put their seat back but it’s not your problem.

Related Link: 5 Ways to be a better Parent

Don’t Bring Diapers

When traveling with a 1 year old, unless your going to some third world country, (which you wouldn’t anyway with a 1 year old) don’t pack any more diapers than you need to get through the fight and car travel. You can walk into any market or pharmacy and buy pampers. Same goes for wipes.

Bring Your Big Stroller

In fact if you have one that acts as a base to your infant carrier even better. Once you’re there you can use the stroller however you want but clicking the carrier into it makes life easier at the airport. All airlines will let you gate check the stroller and they will put it under the plane for you. Also be sure to bring black garbage bags to protect stroller from getting really dirty under the plane. Just throw it over the folder stroller before they take it.