The decision to start a family is a big one. Once that decision is made and you are prepared to be a father sometimes the stars just don’t line up. Male infertility is responsible for about 40% of infertile couples. If you are trying with your significant other with no luck for about 1 year, you have to see a fertility specialist. That is what happened to me any my wife and it turns out I was the one with the issue. However there are definite things you can do naturally to improve your chances of being a dad one day. Even if you are already seeing a specialist, these steps will only help you stay pointed in the right direction.

Keep Your Junk Cool

There is a reason men have a scrotum. Sperm cannot mature at regular body temperature. That is why your jewels hang outside of your body. Ever notice that during a hot shower they are lower and when your in a cold pool they are closer to your body? That is your body reacting to its environment and trying to keep your boys at the optimal temp which is a few degrees cooler that your core body temp.

Invest in boxers and dump the boxer briefs. They are just going to hold everything up tight and cause you to overheat your junk. When its to hot your sperm is unable to mature causing male infertility.

Clean Up The Toxins

You need to rid your body of the cigarettes, booze and illegal drugs. These substances, while obviously will cause other issues in your life, are going to hamper your ability to conceive. Your body will be to busy trying to clean itself up that vital resources needed for sperm production will be diverted elsewhere in the body.

Lose Weight

This goes back to keeping your junk cool. While being overweight affects both men and women reproductive organs, the extra fat around a mans system will cause over heating regardless of the kind of underwear you got on. Set a goal for weight loss and follow it. Also take a look at our 4 do’s and don’t’s and weight loss mistakes that are ruining your efforts.

Eat Right

Kind of cliche i know but foods high in omega-3 will help your sperm count. These fatty acids are primarily found in fish like salmon. And don’t starve your self either to lose weight. Your body needs the building blocks in order make sperm. Also the three supplements have been known to improve sperm mobility, Vitamin C, Arginine and Zinc.

Chill Out

Stress and anxiety lower fertility, so do what you can to ease up. That might mean working out, taking a vacation, or yoga. Whatever works for you.

At the end of the day for me, none of these options worked. Male infertility for me was very hard to deal with. I actually had a medical issue that could only be solved with surgery. So I cannot stress enough the importance of seeing a specialist because if I had not I would not a father today.