I got my first opportunity to lead people at work when I was about 28. I was given a “Team Lead” position which effectively made me a manager to about 8 employees (many much older than me at the time). I was nervous at first because I had never been in a position like that before and I was not sure exactly how to lead. Leadership at work was not something that came naturally to me but obviously my manager at the time saw something in me that prompted this promotion but what was it? How was i going to get my co-workers to follow me? Here are 5 things I have learned to do and I feel all leaders should be doing at work.

Learn From Your Staff

No one person knows everything. Having people on your staff that are more knowledgeable than you on certain items is a plus. Many managers today will see this as a threat to their position but good leaders see it as an opportunity. Foster and help others grow their skills while learning from them will build trust and help your team succeed. Don’t ever stop learning new skills at your place of work because you never know when you might need that skill.

Listen, then Speak

Its takes time to learn how to truly listen when someone is speaking. Many times we get so stuck in our own head that we cannot help but try over and over to get our point across, inevitable talking over someone. Knowing their leader is listening can serve as an instant morale booster to staff and upper management will be able to see a difference in your team’s productivity.

Learn From Past Mistakes

Leadership at work also means you must learn. Find out what your predecessor did. Find out what worked and what didn’t. You don’t want to repeat the same mistakes as someone before you. Many times you got this position because someone was under-performing or not doing their job correctly. Make sure you are bringing fresh ideas to the table.

Include Staff on Solutions

No one wants to be left out. Keeping a team member on the outside will eventually seed desertion and content. Your staff wants to be involved on fixing problems and working together. So let them. Being part of something will make them feel valuable.

Be Optimistic

You have to inspire others around you and you cannot do that unless you staying positive. Stay optimistic about the future and that positive will show. You will Inspire others around you to be optimistic as well.

What kind of things do you do that displays leadership at work? Do you have a manager that doesn’t do any of these? Tell us your story in the comments below!