In a romantic relationship, it’s vital that both people feel loved, respected, and valued. A big part of that is each person showing their appreciation for the other. However, some folks fall into the bad habit of taking their partner for granted. Others, especially those who are more introverted, may hardly even know how to really show appreciation. Chances are, you could probably afford to show a little more appreciation yourself. Here are five things you can do.

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Say thank you

There are undoubtedly a multitude of things your partner does for you on a regular basis. Instead of overlooking all these things they do, try to verbally express your gratitude more often. Just hearing the words “thank you” can make someone feel happier about their day. Even if they know you feel it, hearing the words out loud can still make a huge difference.

Listen to them

Everyone needs a friendly ear sometimes. Being able to freely confide in your romantic partner is especially important. By really listening to what your significant other has to say, you are concretely demonstrating how much you care about them. Pay attention to them even if the topic of discussion doesn’t especially interest you. Genuinely listening to your partner is a matter of respect.

Surprise them

As times goes by, the spontaneity in a relationship can disappear all too easily. Following the same old routine can make couples become complacent about each other. Luckily, surprising your lover with an unexpected gift, a surprise night out, or even simply doing one of their daily chores for them is a great way to remind them just how much you appreciate them.

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Be supportive

Your partner has emotional needs. A big part of showing appreciation is tending to these needs. Try to be understanding, and to help them work through whatever is bothering them. For example, if your significant other is going through a rough time at work, it’s important for you to be there for them. Your support is crucial to their emotional well-being.

Show interest

If you ignore your partner, or don’t even try to care about the things they are passionate about, they will certainly not feel appreciated. You need to show that you care about who your mate is as a person. Ask questions about their day, what they are thinking about, and how they are feeling. This show of consideration will go a long way towards making them feel properly appreciated.

If you’ve been taking your significant other for granted, your relationship has probably been suffering for it. It’s hard for two people to have a strong, loving partnership if one person isn’t showing enough appreciation for the other. If this is you, it’s time to change. Remember, showing greater appreciation will make the two of you closer and happier — so try some of the steps described above.