Disciplining Your Toddler

Toddlers can be known for throwing dramatic tantrums and refusing to listen to their parents. While these tantrums are frustrating, there are ways to effectively discipline your little one and teach them how to behave correctly. Here are six tips for disciplining your toddler.

Related Content: How to Identify and Understand Your Child’s Temperament

Stay Consistent

It takes time for young children to understand how their actions affect others. It is important to be consistent when teaching your child right and wrong. For example, if you allow your child to splash water out of the tub during bath time then forbid it the second time, they will become confused. If your child misbehaves, correct them the first time and every time it occurs. Experts say that after about four or five times, your child will understand not to do the bad behavior. 

Keep Cool

Staying calm with a misbehaving child is tough to do, especially if you have told your child over and over to stop. However, if you escalate to shouting while you are stressed, your child will learn that it is an appropriate reaction if they get upset. Your child may join in on the shouting match if they do not like being told to stop. Maintain a calm but firm voice when correcting your child. Doing so will show your child that while you care about them, you are still in charge and will not tolerate their behavior. 

Provide Choices

Some children misbehave because they want to control the situation. They may not like being told what to do all of the time. While giving them some control does not mean letting them run wild without any rules, they will still feel better making their own choices. For example, if your child is refusing to go to bed, you can offer them the choice of brushing their teeth or taking a shower first. Next, they can pick the bedtime story and the pair of pajamas to wear. Providing them with choices helps deescalate the situation and helps your child learn to talk about their feelings through. 

Vent Elsewhere

Young children can pick up on negative feelings and words about them. If your child hears you venting about them, they may start to dislike you and continue the bad behavior. Try to have those conversations when they are not around. For example, discuss your concerns with your spouse after your child has gone to bed for the night or with a trusted friend while your child is at daycare. 

Recognize Good Behavior

Young children may need some motivation to do well. Of course, providing motivation does not mean giving your child a toy because they did not bite their little sibling. Instead, give them praise when they pick up their toys or put away their crayons after asking them only one time. Hugs and affection will not only motivate your child, but it will also bring both of you closer together. 

Related Content: Toddler Temper Tantrums Tips: Surviving the Dreaded Meltdown

Invest in a Parenting Book

At the end of the day there is just no way to cover all of the ways to discipline a toddler in a simple blog post. While the 5 tips above are a great way to start, we recommend investing in the following books. Now these are all great options, just make sure that you and your spouse or partner read it together and come up with a plan to follow.

1.) Toddler Discipline for Every Age and Stage: Effective Strategies to Tame Tantrums, Overcome Challenges, and Help Your Child Grow 

2.) No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind

In Conclusion

Disciplining your child can be tough, especially when they are a toddler. Their brains are still developing and they are exposed to new things every day. Remember to practice love, and patience with your child when they need to be corrected to help them learn and grow.